- Business
CTAG Questions and Answers
When Does the Community Transportation Advisory Group Meet?
+The Community Transportation Advisory Group meets the fourth Thursday of every month at 5:30 p.m. Except for November and December, they meet on the third Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
+View All - Click HERE
Where Does the CTAG Meet?
+Pierce Transit Headquarters Training Building, Rainier Room 3720 96th St SW, Lakewood, WA, 98499-4431
Accessing the Safety Training Building
+Local Pierce Transit routes serve this location. Route 48 Sheridan-M St, Route 4 and Route 3 South Tacoma Way Call Customer Service at 253.581.8000 for assistance or use the Trip Planner in the left column or on the home page.
May I Comment at Their Meetings?
+Yes. The meetings are open to the public and include a forum for community comments.
Does the Meeting Place Accommodate People with Disabilities?
+Yes. The building is wheelchair accessible. Registered SHUTTLE customers may obtain specialized transportation to and from the meeting by calling SHUTTLE at 253-581-8100 from one to five days in advance of the meeting. An interpreter for the hearing impaired will be provided upon request with a minimum notice of two weeks.
Accessing the Safety Training Building from nearby bus stops: Routes 48, Route 4, and 3 serve the Safety Training Building. There are concrete walkways to the building entrance off of 96th Street SW.
Can I ride the bus there?
+ -
Who do I talk to about CTAG business?
+Staff Liaison to the CTAG:
Tammy Apthorp
E-mail: tapthorp@piercetransit.org
Mailing Address: Pierce Transit
ATTN: Tammy Apthorp
Community Transportation Advisory Group
3701 96th Street SW, Lakewood, WA 98499 -
How are members appointed?
+The nine to twelve members of the CTAC are required to either live or work within the Pierce Transit service area(PTBA). The members are appointed by the Pierce Transit Board of Commissioners and serve without pay. Anyone can request and submit an application. Candidates are selected to achieve diversity and geographical representation in the PTBA. The group may include senior citizens, youth, people with disabilities, college students, business owners, social service agency representatives, neighborhood associations, the medical community, environmentalists, and bicyclists.
What does the CTAG do?
+- CTAG and Board of Commissioners hold regular public meetings. Approved minutes are posted on our website (CTAG Minutes).
- The CTAG monitors the operations of Pierce Transit and makes recommendations for improvements.
- The CTAG takes public positions on issues of importance to Pierce Transit riders. The CTAG members testify at hearings on transportation issues conducted by the Pierce Transit and other agencies.
- The CTAG conducts public forums that allow riders to express their views on Pierce Transit services.